Monday, November 19: Peter – The lame man healed, Apostles arrested, and Peter and John’s bold message
- Acts 3
- Acts 4
- Ephesians 6:18-20
Tuesday, November 20: Peter – Rearrested, tried, and beaten for preaching
- Acts 5
- Matthew 5:10-12
- 1 Peter 3:13-17
Monday, November 19: Peter – The lame man healed, Apostles arrested, and Peter and John’s bold message
Tuesday, November 20: Peter – Rearrested, tried, and beaten for preaching
Monday, November 12: Jesus’ Death & Burial – Jesus’ death on the cross, and burial by Joseph of Arimathea
Tuesday, November 13: Jesus’ Resurrection – The empty tomb, appearing to Mary, and ascending to heaven
Monday, November 5: Jesus’ Arrest – Jesus’ garden prayer, knocking the mob down, healing an ear, and arrest
Tuesday, November 6: Jesus’ Jewish Trials – Jesus’ three Jewish trials and Peter’s three denials
Monday, October 29: Jesus’ Message on Religion – Appearing religious vs. exercising justice, mercy, and faith
Tuesday, October 30: Jesus’ Ministry Before His Betrayal – The widow’s mite, end times prophecy, and giving
Monday, October 22: Jesus’ Raising of Lazarus – Jesus raises Lazarus and the Pharisees plot Jesus’ death
Tuesday, October 23: Jesus’ Ministry across the Jordan – Marriage, the rich young ruler, and sacrifices for God
Monday, October 15: Jesus’ Stories about Money – Dividing the inheritance and people’s stress about money
Tuesday, October 16: Jesus’ Teachings on Israel – The Parable of the Fig Tree and healing a crippled woman
Monday, October 8: Jesus’ Sending of More Disciples – Sending seventy plus more, the Good Samaritan, and Mary and Martha
Tuesday, October 9: Jesus’ Ministry at the Feast of Tabernacles – Arriving secretly and the water of the Spirit
Monday, October 1: Jesus’ Boat to Capernaum – Feeding the 5,000, walking on water, and the Bread of Life
Tuesday, October 2: Jesus’ Confrontation of the Pharisees – The Pharisees, a Greek woman, and a deaf-mute
Monday, September 24: Jesus’ Ministry at Sea of Galilee – Jesus calms the sea and casts out Legion
Tuesday, September 25: Jesus’ Ministry at Sea of Galilee – Jesus heals a daughter and a hemorrhaging woman
Monday, September 17: Jesus’ Ministry to Sinners – Jesus eats with sinners and forgives them
Tuesday, September 18: Jesus’ Choosing of the 12 – Jesus prays all night, chooses twelve apostles, and is criticized by family