A cartoon from a few years ago showed a woman saying to her husband, “Good grief, Henry. Here’s Christmas at our throats again!”
Amid the preparations for Christmas each year, there always seem to be a few voices like hers, proclaiming a “Bah, humbug!” on the whole business. And if the truth be known, some of us may feel less than excited about Christmas ourselves. The expense, the crowds, the overindulgence, the hurried schedules and all the other trappings of modern Christmas celebrations are enough to make all of us take a jaundiced look at the season.
“For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him”
Jesus is God’s gift to our world — and to our hearts. When Jesus resides within, whether we enjoy or merely tolerate the flurry of seasonal preparations, Christmas itself is a grand opportunity to say thank you to God for the gift of the Son.
In the light of that, we are planning the following programs as opportunities to thank God together for the priceless gift of Jesus:
- December 1 Project Glow [Bridge City High School]
- December 10 Christmas in Orangefield
- December 16 Adult Christmas Gumbo
- December 18 Christmas Program (Not Sold in Stores)
- December 18 Preacher’s Open House
- December 25 Christmas Service.
Please join us as we seek to celebrate Christmas in our hearts.